I suck at everything
Let's face the truth. I suck at a lot of things:
I'm not...
...the best designer
...the best backend developer
...the best frontend developer
...the best software architect/dev-ops guy
...the best analytics guy
...the most innovative product guy
...the most analytical business model thinker
And you know what? While this is sometimes challenging (everybody wants to be the best in something, right?), this is actually a good thing. Because as a prototyper, you need to be reasonably good at all of the things above. And most of the time that means that you aren't the best in one of those areas. It's a trade-off, right?
As a software prototyper you often need to build a first iteration of a product (MVP). This first iteration doesn't need to be perfectly designed, developed, architected and fleshed out because we are still learning. It will change a lot and we need to be fast. It's not our job to make it perfect. That's what you do when you learned enough and the only task left is to scale.
That's the right time when you can bring in the experts in all of these domains mentioned above. When you want to scale. Not before. If you bring them in too early, it will slow you down, you need much more resources (not only financially) and you will probably loose the path of learning, changing and iterating.