
There are a thousand reasons why your idea will fail - your tech-stack will not be one of them

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When I talk to engineers in IT departments of our clients, they love talking about technology:

  • „Which programming language/frameworks do you use?“

  • „Is this built as a Single Page Application?“

  • „Does this scale?“

  • „We use this...because of that...“.

I love talking about all of that because I love technology as much as they do, but let me tell you something: 


You can scale the crappiest technology to any amount of traffic you will ever reach (this guy serves 2M page views per month and scaled to 100k MRR with a single PHP-File ). It’s not worth it to spend time/energy or overthink technology when you are starting out. It maybe matters when you are Facebook or Google.

But let’s face the truth: You will never be this large. And by the way, in todays fast-moving tech-world you almost have to rewrite the whole thing every two years anyway. Use your valuable time on more important things like getting your first paying customers and your product.