
What is software prototyping in Business Design?

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Let me try to explain it in one sentence:

Software prototyping in Business Design is the process of developing software prototypes like mock-ups, click-dummies, landing pages and functional prototypes (MVPs) to help test the most critical assumptions in our newly created business models

Ok...nice try. It's one sentence but a little bit high level and too much blabla. Let me try to be more concrete. When developing new ideas you will have a lot of questions and you will face a lot of uncertainties. This is normal, because we are creating something new, right? Within Business Design we do experiments (often with prototypes) to mitigate these risks.

Let me give you some examples:

  • We can scribble the most important screens of our mobile app to get a better understanding in our team how our solution may look like.

  • We can build a click-dummy to talk to customers to understand if our solution addresses their job(s) to get done & their pains.

  • We can build a landing page with a sign-up form to test if people are willing to try out our solution.

  • We can build build a landing page, do some google campaigns (or facebook, instagram, flyers, banners whatever) to check if we reach our customers through a particular channel.

  • We can build a Lean Offering (or MVP) with the most minimal feature set to test if people are willing to use and even pay for our solution (and how much they pay).

  • ...

These are just a few examples to illustrate what you can do with software prototypes in Business Design. There is of course much more which I want to talk about in future tips. Stay with me...